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Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Lawrenceburg Residents Reminded About Refuse Penalties

   Officials with the City of Lawrenceburg wish to remind residents that changes in the city’s refuse pickup have officially been enacted, and those violating the new statute will be subject to penalties.

   Crews with the Lawrenceburg Streets and Sanitation Department made final sweeps of the city last week, collecting large items that had been left at the curbside. They will not be picking up such items in the future.

   As of Friday, July 6, residents are no longer allowed to place items along the curbs (such as mattresses, box springs, furniture, appliances, etc.), without being subject to a $50 per day fine. While in the past the city has provided pickup service for such items, property owners will now be responsible for their disposal.

   In the future, city crews will only be responsible for picking up brush, yard waste, and bagged garbage that is left at the curbside inside city-issued garbage carts. Anything else left at the street, officials warn, will be considered litter, and the property owner will be fined accordingly.


Refuse container